Research strategy NR449 Evidence Based Practice

Nurse to Nurse incivility in the workplace and how it impacts performance

Clinical Question  

            For patient care and its optimal outcome, working environment for nurses should be empowering. Unfortunately, the empowering working environment is destroyed by with or without negative intent behaviors by their co-workers which are called incivility. Incivility is any rude and disrespectful acts toward others with or without a negative intent (ANA, n.d.). These acts are, for examples, eye-rolling, sarcastic comments, taunting, racial/ethnic slurs, intimidation, and physical violence (Stokowski, n.d.). Some of these acts are used daily basis among people. The prevalence rate of incivility in the workplace is varied, but the study shows as high as up to 75% (Laschinger, Wong, Cummings, & Grau, 2014).
            In the workplace, many nurses experienced incivility from other nurses. And the behaviors have a negative impact on patient care, nursing productivity (Laschinger et al., 2014). Also, it contributes to burnout, job turnover, and intent to leave the profession (Fida, Laschinger, & Leiter, 2018).
            In order to conduct research for this ethical problem, PICOT questions are used to help to answer the questions.
Problem: Nurse to Nurse incivility in the workplace and how it impacts performance
Intervention: Positive and supportive leadership styles decrease patient mortality and improve nurses’ health and intent to stay in their profession (Laschinger et al., 2014).
Comparison: Employers provides a strict policy regarding incivility in the workplace.
Outcome: Decreased occurrence of incivility and patient harm.
Time: Length of observation from new employee orientation to 4 weeks.
            The purpose of this paper is to introduce research strategies that help to prevent or reduce the occurrence of nurse incivility and negative impacts on patient safety.

Levels of Evidence

            From this research project, finding factual information with evidence is the most important thing. In order to find the information, both qualitative and quantitative studies are helpful. A qualitative study will help to gain an in-depth understanding of reasons why nurse incivility occurs and how it will affect patient safety which provides insights into a problem. A quantitative study gives quantitative measures that ability to quickly analyze data which support the theories.

Search Strategy

            For a searching article for this project, “nursing incivility in the workplace”, “nursing incivility and its impacts on patient care”, and “incivility impact on nurses” were used. In order to obtain evidence-based scholarly articles, Google Scholar and EBSCO were utilized.
            Selecting search topics or terms that close to the question is important to find relevant articles. If search terms too vague, it gives a wide-range of the article that may not relate to the subject. For example, if the only incivility is used instead of nursing incivility, it would provide articles that have different specialty or workplace such as school or education. It is important to use publication date option to narrow down the database results to obtain most recent up to date information.
            The two most relevant articles for this project and the group’s work include Resonant Leadership and Workplace Empowerment by Laschinger et al. and Reducing Incivility in the Workplace by Lasater et al. While Laschinger’s article shows a quantitative method of research, Lasater’s includes qualitative study method. These research articles will be a great support for the group’s research project.


            Obtaining relevant research articles for group project can start with setting up PICOT questions. PICOT questions help to focus on the problem which is nursing incivility in the workplace and its impacts on their performance. To have a better outcome for a group project, utilizing obtained evidence-based articles from researching data is the key. Both qualitative and quantitative research methods will be used to support group project which will propose an alternative.

Fida, R., Laschinger, H. K. S., & Leiter, M. P. (2018). The protective role of self-efficacy against workplace incivility and burnout in nursing: A time-lagged study. Health care management review43(1), 21-29.
Incivility, Bullying, and Workplace Violence. (n.d.). Retrieved January 10, 2018, from  
Lasater, K., Mood, L., Buchwach, D., & Dieckmann, N. F. (2015). Reducing incivility in the workplace: Results of a three-part educational intervention.The Journal of Continuing   Education in Nursing, 46(1), 15-24.            doi:
Laschinger, H. S., Wong, C. A., Cummings, G. G., & Grau, A. L. (2014). Resonant Leadership and Workplace Empowerment: The Value of Positive Organizational Cultures in     Reducing Workplace Incivility. Nursing Economic$32(1), 5-44.
Stokowski, L. (n.d.). The Continuum of Incivility in Nursing. Retrieved January 20, 2018, from